Leaves Of 5 Poison Ivy. Even if your cat or dog comes in contact with the plant, the animal can spread it to you. While the leaves are the most toxic part of the plant, contact with any part (even when the plant is bare of foliage) can cause an allergic reaction.
New leaves are reddish in color during the spring and early summer. While the leaves are the most toxic part of the plant, contact with any part (even when the plant is bare of foliage) can cause an allergic reaction. Poison Ivy leaves are smooth edged or have a few teeth.
Another sneaky thing about poison ivy: It has some lookalikes.
They're shiny with smooth or slightly notched edges.
The oil can be spread by anything that comes in contact with poison ivy including garden tools, clothing, boots or pets. Another thing to check is the arrangement of the leaves. Virginia Creeper looks similar but has five leaves.