Memorial Day K 9. This Memorial Day weekend we honor the men, women and dogs who have. died in service of this great country. Thank you for your dedication and sacrafice to this country.
There is a link to a pdf of the Daily Union article, and links to the Milton Courier shown below. Memorial Day is a special day and I am grateful for the way it helps us focus on those who died to enable us to enjoy the lives we live. Initially, it was called Decoration Day.
Dutta who advised us things would only get worse.
On this upcoming day of solemn remembrance of our bravest brothers and sisters who have given a sacrifice most will never match, our best friends who have done the same are also remembered.
While it unofficially marks the start of summer in many areas, with family get-togethers, picnics, barbeques, pool time, and more, we. We honor the humans and dogs that died for our freedom. Unfortunately her cancer spread to fast and she was starting to be in pain.