Poison Ivy Near Eye. Why Do Poison Ivy in the Eye Happen? She rubbed the contemporary lemon juice far and wide (keeping off getting juice in eyes) and the following.
Getting ready to go to the doctors for this poison ivy around my eye. If you get into poison ivy or oak, simply slice a lemon in part and rub the reduce facet over the rash. The culprit in these plants is a resin or oil called Urushiol.
If you have been exposed to it, or think you might have been exposed, and start getting an itchy eye, get thee hence immediately to a physician.
Learning the facts about poison ivy can help you avoid a similar situation.
Poison ivy is a common wild plant that causes an extremely irritating allergic reaction when you touch it or brush against it. Home Remedies for Poison Ivy Rash. If you have a rash near your eyes, call us right away.