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Poison Ivy Vine

Let's find the truth.

Poison Ivy Vine. The scientific name of the plant is Toxicodendron radicans. Then, of course, it's time to get rid of poison. "What does poison ivy look like?" is more than merely an academic question, since being able to identify the "itchy rash vine" with confidence can prevent you from an unfortunate encounter with it.

Poison ivy | University of Maryland Extension
Poison ivy | University of Maryland Extension (Marc Walton)
Poison ivy is usually green in the spring and reddish-orange in the fall. The scientific name of the plant is Toxicodendron radicans. But wash your clothes as soon as you're finished, and rinse your washing machine thoroughly, to be sure all traces of the oil are removed.

Poison Ivy can be a real problem in your garden, in you lawn or in the woods where the plants or your animals could get it's oils on you.

Not only does poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) grow and spread rapidly, but it gives many people an itchy, sometimes painful, rash.

Poison Ivy Control Of Maryland | Poison Ivy Identification | Baltimore MD

KY Natural Inquirer: Leaves of Three

Poison Ivy - Toxicodendron radicans - North American Insects & Spiders

Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy - Toxicodendron radicans - North American Insects & Spiders

Controlling Poison Ivy | HGTV

Poison Ivy: Busting 6 Myths to Avoid the Itch – Cool Green Science

Poison Ivy - Nature's "Three Leaf Wonder": Poison Ivy Vines

three leaf vine | the squirrel nutwork

You don't have to buy commercial products to get rid of poison ivy. Poison ivy is the only one that always has three leaves, one on each side and one in the center. Although birds and animals are unaffected by the effects of Toxicodendron radicans (poison ivy), reactions to contact with the plant by humans can range from a red, itchy rash to blistering or even anaphylaxis.