Black Lives Matter Montreal June 7. Because Black Lives Matter too, We should also show our support in Montreal. Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an organized movement dedicated to non-violent civil disobedience in protest to alleged incidents of police brutality on Afro-American people.
Black Lives Matter protests have spread around the world after the death two weeks ago of George Floyd, an unarmed and handcuffed black man. After taking the banner down, the embassy said it did not intend to "support or encourage donations to any specific organisation". Protestors in many cities around the world marched in the streets.
Black Lives Matter Global Network Managing Director, Kailee Scales is joined by renowned physician, author, and philosopher, Deepak Chopra, M.
Saying "All Lives Matter" in response would suggest to them that all people are in equal danger, invalidating the specific concerns of black people.
Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Proceeds from ATO Records' Silence Is Not an Option (flip this up) go to Black Lives Matter Greater New York, Color of Change, and Innocence Project. They held signs with the words, "Black Lives Matter" and other slogans written on them.